Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Get a Promotion

By : Heretoohelp

Step 1

Know what you want. This sounds simple but many people settle for their current position. The number one key to being promotable is that you have to want it. If employers do not see that drive in employees to want more than they will not stand out. If you know that you want a promotion then advertise it. Most companies have evaluations every few months, this is a key time to make your desires known. If you do not have evaluations then find the person who makes the promotions happen in your company and let them know your desires. This may not be your immediate boss, it could be higher management or the Human Resource department. Most people do not do this because of embarrassment or fear of looking goofy. Trust me, people in management positions and especially human resources are looking for people to do this.

Step 2

Drive the companies goals. We sometimes get so caught up in our specialized jobs that we forget the main purpose of the company. If your companies goal is to sell x amount of something then find a way to help. "But wait", you say. "I'm not a salesperson". Then ask the question; "What can I do to have my company sell more items of x?". If you can ask this question I bet you could come up with several answers as how to help. The answer may be that you have to do something outside of your own job role but that is the point. You are going outside your normal responsibilities to help. Once you come up with an idea, advertise it, ask for help to accomplish it. The point here is that you are going above and beyond normal responsibilities to help the company and it will pay benefits

Step 3

Go above and beyond. Know that you get paid in the future for what you do now. I hear so many people say, "they don't pay me to do that". Guess what, that person will not be promoted. The thought here is a paradigm shift for some people. You make the amount of money next year on the amount of work you do this year. In other words if I only do the basic work of my current job then I will not get anything the next year. Many companies believe that promotions and raises are rewards for going above and beyond. With this in mind you must show your company "why" you should be promoted.

Step 4

Help others. There is probably nothing that stands out as being a leader. If you grasp something that others do not understand then help them to catch up. Do not ascribe to the belief that you must keep knowledge to yourself to protect yourself. Employers for the most part are watching. They know who is doing what and when. If you are seen helping others with their jobs then they see leadership, which is a big part of promotion.

Step 5

Create action. There are many plans and projects made in a company that are slowly implemented or never come to fruition. Be the person who takes charge to make sure those plans or projects are kept on the front burner. Leadership is not a position but a personal choice. Don't wait for others to lead, be the leadership for change and you will be rewarded

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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