Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Steps to Deal With Fear

By Shaw Funami

Among people's emotions, fear is the one which people has a problem dealing with most. Fear is deep emotion, which cannot be so easily avoided, addressed, or conquered. Instead of anger, being a simple burst of emotional force, which could be ceased after such burst, fear could be quiet cancer, which eats inside of your mind. There is an analysis that fear is the real cause of anger. One would show his anger because he did not like to express his fear. This theory explains why people tends to be angry if others pointed out their true weakness. People are angry when others point their true weakness based on their fear that others would find their weakness. In this sense, fear and anger could be called face and tail of a coin. People need to address their fear to manage their anger.

According to my cousin, who is a psychologist, 87% of fear of people is one, which is groundless, unreasonable, and meaningless. People do not have to deal with this kind of fear. He suggested that one might not attempt to address fears immediately. He recommends to his clients to set one day in a week to deal with their fears. For example, one could decide to consider and address his fear on Thursday, every week. Even he felt fear and started to think about it on Sunday, he would wait until Thursday to address it. My cousin told me that more than 80% of people did not feel fear any longer, or they forgot about it by Thursday. The fear people did not forget or could not stop feeling were the real ones which one need to address. In this way, one can distinguish real fear and meaningless fear.

Based on the above, one could establish the way or process to cope with his fear. They are simple, though they may not be easy.

1. Accept that you have fear instead of hiding it with anger.

2. Stop thinking about the fear on that moment. Take some time to address it.

3. Think if the cause of fear is manageable by human power.

4. If found not manageable by human capacity, accept again it is unmanageable.

5. Since it is beyond human capability, leave it to time and Higher Power. Trust them that they can take care of them.

When one becomes fearful, it is not so easy to follow the above processes with calm and serene status of mind and brain. Remember, at least, one thing. If your fear is unmanageable within human capacity, you can deal with it. If you cannot solve it with your power, it is meaningless and wasting time if you continue to think and worry about it.


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Excellent Decision Making

By Chibuike Nnamani

To Make decisions is never easy, particularly when it comes to making those important decisions that can potentially change your life. This is why before you make a decision, you 'll have put a lot of thought into it. This means carefully examining and assessing the situation, as well as contemplating the pros & cons, and possible consequences/ side-effects of the decisions the individual is about to be make.

Below are vital tips on excellent decision-making:

1. Firstly, thorough assessment if the decision you are about to make will be the right one for you. This means assessing your needs, and really finding out the reason why you are making this decision in the first place.

For instance, if the decision you are about to make concerns the college of your choice, you must ask yourself these questions: Are you being influenced by friends and family? Peer pressure, is it becoming an issue? What about money, is it also becoming a problem? Are you being practical about the decision you are about to make, or are you possibly setting yourself up for failure, by making an evidently impractical decision?

2. Make out time to study your options. When making a decision that implies a choice, you should look into your options - whether this involves a decision in regards to purchasing a new house, vacation destination, or a university of choice. You should take the time to study, research, and evaluate all your options. This way, you can limit your alternatives to that one choice that would be just the right one for you.

3. Different individuals who need serious help when it comes to decision-making can make use of decision-making seminars, sessions, and training.
Many organizations offer you the chance to improve you decision-making skills by attending their programs. If you feel the need for such help, do some research on the internet for the local listings of these courses that are held within your vicinity.

4. Map out big decisions ahead of time. Don't leave everything to the last minute, because this is a sure recipe for disaster. Making big plans ahead of time will give you enough time to prepare for the contingencies if it comes to that. It never hurts and not considered a crime to have a plan B, in case your original plan doesn't work out.

Also, planning saves you time. For instance if you are planning to get a new car, you 're expected to make some research. Create some time to go to different dealerships to compare differences in price-list, and check out types of offers that are available out there. Through this, you can make the best deal possible.

Note; the best decisions are never rushed. They are carefully thought out and made through careful planning.

5. Make out a list of pros and cons. This sounds a bit old fashion, but it is a time-tested method that will aid you in making the best decisions. Coming up with a list will give you a visual representation of your thoughts. This will also help you set priorities in order by writing a list of your preferences, goals, and needs. On the other hand, this will also allow you the opportunity to evaluate the downside to the potential choices you are about to make.

To make a decision is sometimes be very difficult, but nevertheless,it has to be done! The best way to go about this is to make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to think about it first. If possible, consult the ideas of friends and family members.

But in all, everyone makes their own decision. Therefore, you have to be wise, and give yourself the opportunity to make the best possible decisions!


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The Power of Gratitude

By Daniel Leighly

Gratitude is the use of the Power of Thought in a way that will put you in Harmony with the Energy of the Universe. The same way that there is a Law Of Attraction, there is a Law Of Gratitude. You must learn to use this Law in order for The Law Of Attraction to work.

The Law Of Gratitude works this way. When you give thanks or praise for the things you already have, you make way for more to come to you because you are thankful. The Law Of Gratitude is a Natural Law and will always respond in a Like Nature. Remember Reaction and Action are always equal. The response you receive will be the same as you send out.

What this means is the Universe will give you more of the good things you deserve because you are thankful for all the good things you already have. As you give thanks for what you have, you are saying that you are happy and pleased with what you have attained thus far. You appreciate the better things in life, and want and deserve more. The Energy of the Universe will comply with this, bringing more of the better things into existence.

You want the best in life; the best that life has to offer. Think these thoughts in your mind, and feel the best feelings that you can feel. See yourself with the best; the best of everything and that is what The Law Of Attraction and The Law Of Gratitude will produce.

Be Grateful for everything good that comes into your life, and more will come into your life as well. Be thankful every time you get a chance throughout your day. Expect the best; expect good things, and you will receive the best and more good things. Showing Gratitude will bring more things into your life to be Grateful for. Where is your future heading? If you really take the time to answer this question, you will find that your future is within you. Within You, is the Power and Energy to change your Destiny.

Everything you see and touch, everything surrounding you, from the air you breathe, the food you eat, to the sun you feel on your skin, is made up of Energy. Think of the Love you feel when you hold a hand. Think of the way you feel when you kiss a child. The deep inner emotions and feelings that drive our consciousness. This is your Life; this is created by your thoughts, your energy.

Imagine what it would be like if you looked out on the vast ocean and didn't see any water. Now think about how you would feel if you never saw a star. What would the world be like if there was no music? What if tomorrow all the trees were gone, every blade of grass, and every plant and flower dried up and blew away.

What would the world look like then? How would a future artist ever paint a landscape? Where would we be if there were no animals? What would you eat if there were no fruits and vegetables? How many salads can you make with dirt?

We take for granted this world, this life, and this wonderful place where we live. God planned it all, every last grain of sand. Every plant and every animal, every fish and every seed, and He did it with His Mind, with His Thoughts, with His Intentions. Be Grateful. Start using the Energy. Start right now! Think of the future you want to have. Visualize and Picture it in your mind. Start feeling good about it, and know that it is yours. Know that you deserve it. Know that the Universe will Create it for you in Abundance.

Dr. Daniel W. Leighly Msc.D


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How Many Psychics Does It Take?

By Lillie Ruby

You don't need a group of people to work on your psychic skills. You don't need expensive crystal balls, or an ancient skull. You can stretch those psychic cells any time, any place, by gathering up some easy to find thing and turning them into psychic tools.

Zener Cards

Zener Cards were developed by the parapsychologist J.B. Rhine. They aren't hard to find. You can even work with them online at websites such as Psychic Experiences.

Flash Cards

If you have children, you probably have some of these around. If not, they are inexpensive and easily found at garage sales. You don't even need a full set! Just take the cards shuffle them. Turn them face down. Before turning each card over, try to tune into the image or bits of the image on the card.

Flash Cards in a variety of subjects. Numbers, Shapes, Alphabet, Even words.

Memory Games are easy to find and also inexpensive. You might even look for an old Concentration game, or play the versions that can be found on the internet.


The cards for this game have colored squares printed on them. Use the same method for Flash Cards and Memory Games, only this time try to tune into the color on the card. Watch out for the double purples!

Playing Cards

With these cards, work on colors, numbers and the design (suits).

Oracle and Tarot Cards

The images on this type of card is usually more complex and may be a bit more difficult to tune in. This makes them a great for more advanced work.


Turn a set of dominoes facedown and shuffle. Tune in to see if you are about to pick up an ace, or a double five.

Children's dominoes work well too. They normally have images such as animals, vehicles, even dinosaurs, that present a different challenge.

Business Cards

Have a stack of business cards people have given you? Use them like memory cards, tuning into the colors, images, names, addresses, cities etc that are printed on the cards.

Door Knob

Although you won't be able to verify it. Tune in to every doorknob you approach and see who was there before you. Was it a man? Did he have a bowler hat?

Antique Stores

Practice your psychometry by hold various things and seeing what vibrations you receive. What can you tell about the previous owner?

Gem and Mineral Shows

Gem and Mineral Shows are great places to practice tuning into the vibrations of stones and crystals. Most vendors will allow you to handle their wares. While you enjoy the pretties, feel the vibration compared to another stone, how the color feels, even if they speak to you.

Along these same lines. Bead store offer the same opportunity to feel of stones make into natural beads.

Natural History Museum

While it's usually "Hands Off' at these museums, you can still tune into the mineral specimens, or even the woolly mammoth bones on display.

Art Museums

Typically, another "Hands Off" location. Feel the vibrations of the colors and even the artist's energy in each painting. Compare one creation to another's sensations.

People Watching

A pedestrian mall, a sidewalk café, even a park are good places to tune into vibrations and see what impressions you can receive from the people passing by.

Your opportunities to practice your psychic skills are only limited by your imagination. Just get started! Remember, "Practice Makes Perfect!"


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Spiritual Aspect - How You Can Meet Its Demands

By Joseph Pressley

An individual's life is divided into different aspects. We have the physical aspect, mental aspect, emotional aspect and the spiritual aspect. These four aspects make up the individual as a whole. If one aspect is not given with full attention or perhaps the needs of that specific type of aspect is not fully met, an individual will not fully function in the society. Like for the physical aspect for as an example. When the needs of the body such as food, water, clothes are not met, there is a great tendency that the individual will get sick and thus will not be able to perform his activities of daily living.

It is important that you pay attention to the needs of your body. We all have heard about the different hierarchy of needs ever since we were in grade school and it will still be introduced even when you reach college years. That is how important it is to understand, to follow and to comply with all the needs of your body so you can fully function in the environment the same as how the stun gun gives you full confidence knowing that it gives you with quality safety and security.

There are negative effects once these aspects are not met similar to the negative effects that you might get if you will not read the manual on how to operate the most powerful stun gun correctly. You might think that the spiritual aspect does not have any negative effects once you do not give some of your attention to it, well you are wrong. The spiritual aspect is important in the sense that it enables the people to have an intimate relationship with his God. People have their own beliefs, their own religion and no one is judging them with that. Every individual should learn to respect what others believe because after all, it is their life and you have no right to dictate them as to what they should do.

Among the negative effects if one does not give time with his God is that he will be lost in this world. When you seek for guidance, for enlightenment and even for help, you always call the Creator. Though He does not talk back when you speak to Him, His response is seen through the blessings and gifts He has given to you and your family.

For the Catholics, they have their bible while the Muslims call it as Koran. It is important that you take time to read the verses or the gospel of this book since it will help you to become enlightened. This is considered as one of the most important book in this world and it should be given with respect, with great pride and honor. This book contains songs of praises and most of all the word of God. Reading it will give you an insight of how this world began and what you should always do to become a good servant.

Reading the bible, joining in worships or praising activities will help in improving your spiritual aspect. It will feed your soul and will guide you to the right path. If all of the people will sacrifice just even an hour or so, it will make the Creator happy and it will make this world a better place to stay in. There will be peace and people will live harmoniously.


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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Imagine With Me, Will You?

By Karen Fagan

Imagine with me, will you? Close your eyes in this moment and fully imagine your life free from all that blocks you: negative thoughts, self-sabotage, overwhelm, worry, and self-doubt.

Who would you be and what would do (confident, happy, blissful, really successful)?

Breathe this in deeply. My sense is this picture feels really great to you.

You see, in my life's passion, I have the privilege of coaching women entrepreneurs to make profound lasting change and be free from negative thoughts and behaviors that seriously hold them back and keep them stuck in their life and business.

This brings serious success and takes you to a much higher level (it's very exciting).

When you make such powerful changes in your life like letting go of behaviors that do not serve you for good, you will instantly feel amazing in your skin and will finally absorb every morsel of your inner value. Making these changes will empower you to ask for what you need and want verses ignoring your needs or dismissing them.

When you completely let go of procrastination and lack, and spark your inner passion and purpose, you build self-confidence and live empowered. You give yourself permission to do exactly what you want in your business, you take bigger risks and get crystal clear on your value, worth and what you offer.

You will notice money flowing into your life and you can finally do all the things you have been dreaming about. The extra weight melts off your body and you feel freedom in your body. Your relationships have much more intimacy in them.

This week's personal growth exercise (fun & powerful): You must let go of the things that do not serve you and your purpose in order to receive the abundance you deserve.

   1. Make a list of 25 ways you self-sabotage, self-criticize and doubt yourself.
   2. Make a list of 100 ways your life would be better if you did away with these behaviors.
   3. I want you to really think about this and come up with 100 ways your life would instantly improve as a result of ending the negative thoughts and behaviors for good.

There is NO better time than right NOW to live empowered!


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The 4 Ways to Use Motivation to Achieve Success

By Darius Maslow

The first type of motivation, moving towards what you want or the desire for gain, is a great skill you can use to achieve success. There are a few main parts of the desire to gain that motivate people. We are going to look at what those four main parts are and how you can use them to achieve success in your life.

The first is actually obtaining wealth in the form of money. Having the desire and aspiration to make lots of money, or create lots of assets, is a great dream and desire to have. They should not be your only form of desire that you have. Wealth will be acquired when you keep all other areas of your life in balance. Don't get too hung up on trying to make a lot of money. It is nice not to have to pay bills and wake up choosing what you want to do that day. You also need to balance this skill with all other areas of life.

The second motivating factor that people can relate with is power. Many people are motivated by achieving power and strength in business. Just as long as this is done in an ethical way, there is no problem. Many people build huge Fortune 500 companies based off of the desire and motivation to obtain power. The same goes with politicians. Many of them are in office because they had the desire that motivated them to achieve power in their lives.

The third motivating factor is wisdom. This is the ability to acquire much knowledge, combine and sort through the knowledge, they made the best possible decision you can with the information you have. This will help you make ethical decisions and treat people with respect in your life. Wisdom will help you obtain a great level of integrity for yourself. When using wisdom, you will have great relationships with your family, friends, coworkers, and the peace of mind at night when you go to bed.

The last motivating factor is honor. Many people in today's society have forgotten about this noble trait. Many people today are concerned with popularity, instead of honor. If you choose to live your life with integrity, honor will follow. You will automatically obtain respect and popularity with a group of high integrity people when you do the right thing. You can have honor, no matter what your profession in life is. You can be a teacher, business owner, Minister, farmer, state or government worker, and even a parent.


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Add Value to Your Signature

By Sushil Handa

Have you seen a postman at work? His life is a monotonous routine. Day in and day out, his work pattern and actions remain unchanged. He is a man operating on auto mode, almost like a machine that is switched on every morning, and off every evening.

How many of you would volunteer to live the life of a postman? I am confident everyone would vehemently decline this career option. The reasons cited would be many no challenges, no excitement, no exercise for the brain, no scope of utilizing one's own initiative not to forget the broad khakhi half pants that in no way add to the charisma of the wearer - and you would be right.

The blame, of course, does not lie with the Postman. His job allows him little scope for all this. But let me ask that you have the opportunity that comes with a challenging and exciting career, What are you doing to prove yourself and your worth? Are you living up to your own high ideals or to the expectations invested in you? Or are you living the life of a "Postman Professional despite having a choice?"

Ask yourself this...

    * Are you able to capture the totality of the subject?
    * Do you add value to anything and everything that comes your way?
    * Are you able to catch / identify, problems/gaps and correct them?
    * Are you able to identify opportunities in everything that comes your way?
    * Do you have the "critical eye" to discern right from wrong, at a glance?
    * Do you perform Quality Checks and Validation? When something is sent to you for your inputs, is your only contribution in the form of signature.
    * When you assign work to a subordinate / colleague, do you effectively wash your hands of it?
    * Once the task is completed, do you validate the effectiveness or outcome of your actions?

Many people consciously choose to live the life of a "Postman Professional". They are content to "fulfill their quota", just to keep their jobs. They keep their heads down, don't ruffle too many feathers, and make sure they have enough for a living.

But there also exists a "different breed". Recently, I conducted an interview of a young person, who was holding a very good position in a top-notch company. There didn't seem to be any apparent reason for him to leave such a good job and company, so I asked him why he was looking for a change. He replied "Main ek nimitt hoon. Sitting in that place, I am destined to get credit for whatever good is happening because of me. And I feel I am degrading myself, losing the opportunity to use my learning and skills."

Why should you be part of this "different breed?" The advantages are many...

    * You make yourself more valuable, regardless of what you do and where you work.
    * It gives you more confidence.
    * People start looking at you as a leader.
    * Others start trusting you.
    * Superiors start respecting you.
    * Your team looks up to you as their role model, they start working like you, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole team goes up.
    * Your family, and especially your children, holds you in awe. You set a bright example for your children to live up to.
    * You achieve the status of a model citizen in society, further adding to your family's happiness and pride.

Ask yourself have all the trappings of a successful career professional financial rewards, growth prospects, and societal respect but are you, under the guise of a successful career professional, living the life of a Postman? Or do you belong to that "different breed", adding value to everything that is given to you, and in the process, to your Career and Life.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it... autograph your work with Excellence!!!


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Monday, September 27, 2010

Are You Living The Dream?

By Dawn Marie Price

First you have to decide what your dream is, and then you will know if you are living it. When I was younger, I dreamt I wanted to be married and have children, a house, a dog, a yard, a two car garage and a sun room. Well, I was living that dream when I realized that it wasn't a dream anymore it was my reality and the kids are now grown it was time for a new dream.

Sometimes we forget about all the good in our lives that we have happy and healthy children, a loving spouse, a roof over our heads and food on the table. When we remember the good things that we do have and give thanks for them every day, it is easier to go through your day. When we remember the good and are happy then we can experience more positive things.

Have you ever been in a tight situation where you weren't sure how you were going to make ends meet and the next day a check was in the mail you didn't expect? Well, after reflecting back over the years I realized that when things were tight me and my husband would just talk about all the good things we had and that things weren't as bad as they seemed and the next day there was the money we needed. It is funny how it always worked out, always.

So how could you live a dream if you are in a nightmare? Well, it is time to go back to basics and live the original dream, look at only the good in your life. When you see all the great and wonderful things you do have it isn't a nightmare anymore it is a beautiful life, where you just want or need more. Then you can set the new big dream and focus on your new goals and how to achieve them.

Never forget the small things and how you got to where you are today and then make some changes and dream big. Then you will live your dream, achieving everything you set your focus on.


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Need to Amp Up Your Motivation and Commitment?

By Joyce Shafer

Think of something you desire to be different, or feel challenged about following through on. See or feel it in your mind's eye. Really connect with it. Now, say to yourself, gently and truthfully: "I can do better than this."

First things first-remove any critical self-judgment from the picture right now. It isn't useful.

Second, do you believe there's some truth for you in the statement that you can do better than what you're currently doing? Is there even one thing you can do differently that would get you closer to your targeted goal or dream, or make an improvement?

Third, watch out for two typical self-entrapments: You aim to start too big and you attempt to reach the outcome-or think you have to-without taking the steps.

Let's say you don't like how your body looks (or, use a current issue of your own). You might be tempted to do the following in this order:

1. Look in the mirror and not feel happy with what you see, and begin the verbal self-abuse. That's always effective, right?
2. Say, "This Is It!"-plus, more verbal self-abuse.
3. Choose a stringent diet program and an exercise program not appropriate for you, or you start at too high a level (and you increase the verbal self-abuse).

I'm not going to keep going with the numbered steps, because how this example, or whatever you've started and stopped over the years (or never started), plays out (including creative endeavors) can be filled in by you as well as me. But maybe you feel, perhaps subconsciously, that the way to improve is to first punish (unsuitable, unsustainable diet and exercise programs-or whatever relates to your issue), rather than find what supports you, then start small and grow into it.

We live in an age of Instant: coffee, foods, information. It's no wonder instant gratification tugs at us so forcefully. But some things, the really important or significant things in life, are usually not instant.

However, it isn't just instant gratification you're dealing with these days; you're also bombarded with emails from people about their "instant" successes, results, or outcomes. When you aim at your targets, if you don't mirror the so-said instant success of others-or what you believe you're "supposed" to achieve, you feel like a failure.

Maybe you want to take the temperature of this in your own life. Many times, these people have their "instant" successes after quite a number of years (or hours, days, weeks) of effort that led to their "overnight" success. Some even tell you this, but that information is easy to ignore because you're fixated on a big number (or whatever) flashing like a neon sign in your mind; and what it takes, or might, to achieve this is virtually ignored.

Tony Robbins said something to the effect that small improvements made daily create compounded enhancements. Don't attempt or believe you have to attempt to produce the final outcome five minutes after you decide what it is. What do you really want to go for now, or next, that will improve one or more areas of your life? Write this down-writing it really does matter.

Whenever you start to be hard on yourself about any area of your life you're not satisfied with, rather than giving yourself the verbal self-lashing you may do or perhaps giving up altogether, gently say to yourself, "I can do better than this." Then take some action each day. Let your daily improvements weave your larger tapestry.

You are what you practice.
© Joyce Shafer


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Planning Where You Want to Go

By Darian Sixx

The way I see it, my redundant motto yields the right results. That being "the only way through it, is through it!" Sure most tasks are difficult. There always has to be a starting place. The starting place of preference is always going to be the well thought out plan. The actual physical process goes smoother and faster, as the quickest way through the process is always a straight line. If you get started without this process, it's going to be ad-lib and making it up as you go along. This direction leads to frayed ends, and is way too unpredictable. The well thought out course gets the job done better and usually with the expected results.

Let's take skydiving for example. Scary as heck, wouldn't you think? Well I'm choosing this extreme example because when the outcome is life or death, it brings home the "importance factor" just that much stronger. Okay so I've never personally embarked on the task myself however I would assume a thorough inspection of the chute is vital to the success of the mission. Well inspected equipment certainly does not apply only to skydiving either. But sticking to course is what this article is all about, and so as to not go off on a tangent about what other tasks involve this planning stage, knowing that most successful ventures involve a well though out plan is primarily what there is to know here.

Now back to the grind. We got the chute inspected but do we know how to use it? This particular brand has a red cord for the emergency backup use, and a green cord for your main. Knowing how to operate the chute is representative of a few steps of the thousand mile journey. Next we have to know how to angle the body to fly in the right direction, so practicing in a wind tunnel with an instructor, would probably account for additional steps you would want to take. And now that those steps are under your belt, planning the trip and dealing with the expense is yet another few yards on the path.

Okay so here you are at 1,500 feet and there is no turning back now. No need to worry because you are trained, you are in the moment and your airplane floor will not be under your feet much longer. So why not own up to it. This is where your positive mental attitude really gets put to the test. The wind speed is now right according to the pilot; your targeted landing zone is coming into view and now the spotlight is on you!

It comes time for the most important step of a thousand miles, the one step off the airplane. Instead of doing that in a cowardly fashion, this is one of the areas that you thought out in your planning stage, so you do so with your chest out ready to enjoy the thrill. And what a thrill it is. The wind is rushing past your goggles and the earth is inching toward you in a different way than you've ever experienced. Whoopee I'm flying is that awesome thought swirling around your head.

Okay so you look at your altimeter and you realize that the time has come to pull the cord. With this part of the journey, the fear factor rises a touch, but since you have personally inspected your parachute those few seconds of fear merge to a comfortable tucked away supportive feeling, as the deploy of your chute took place with flawless textbook results. Poof! With your landing site in view the best part of the journey arrives, the awesome supported trip to the tarmac target.

"What a journey," you think as you land with a soft and gentle wind assisted thud. You think to yourself again, again. I want to go again. This was the best adventure I ever had the privilege to partake. Well this thousand mile journey is over but not without its merits.

There was the well thought out preparation and planning. The professional instruction and practice, the gear check and the confidence factor, all which led you to the successful feeling you now possess. Job well done! Job well done!
Planning works and seeing yourself completing that task before the actual happenstance is always a good idea to keep the focus factor in place.


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Self Improvement Ideas That Work

By Walt Conrad

Take these self improvement ideas and use them each day to see improvement in your life. Just by looking for self-help improvement advice you are on your way to a better you. You know you need change in your life and seek the best info on how to bring it about. These ideas are special; they have worked for many others including myself. Take the time to learn and use these self improvement ideas.The changes that you want are possible when you use them.

Help Idea 1.

Take the time each day to record your progress and the steps you have taken moving forward towards your goal. This written record will help keep you motivated and focused. Recall it anytime and it will help make sure you stay on course.

Help Idea 2.

Try to practice daily the mind cleansing practice of meditation. Of all the self improvement ideas this one is perhaps the most important. Ridding your mind of troubling thoughts in this relaxed state is very beneficial. It can enable you to get more restful sleep and help rejuvenate your strength more quickly.

Help Idea 3.

Picture in your mind as having already achieved the goal you seek. People who get what they want can clearly see themselves achieving results beforehand in their thoughts.

Help Idea 4.

Believe wholeheartedly you can change and reach all the goals that you set for yourself. You do not have to have above average intelligence to really expect your goals are reachable. Believing you can and persistently working to bring them to fruition is all you need. These self-help ideas work and are time-tested with many positive results. Put these ideas to use and become a better person and get all you want out of life.


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3 Simple And Powerful Techniques How You Can Make Your Dreams Come True

By Shawn Lim

Do you want to make your dreams come true? Do you want to be rich and successful? If you do, this will be the right article that you cannot miss. Read this article to the end and you will discover the 3 powerful techniques that you can use immediately to help you achieve your dreams.

Most people fail to accomplish their dreams because they did not know how to do it. Even if they did, they are not doing anything about it. And here are the 3 powerful techniques that can help you to achieve what you want in your life. Are you ready to discover them?

1. First, know what you want and create a plan to achieve them. You have to understand that before you start your journey, you must first find out your destination. You cannot hit a target if you do not know what it is. Therefore, take your time to set goals in every area of your life. How much do you want to earn in the next 5 to 10 years? What type of house do you want to live in? Where do you want to go for vacation? Spend time to discover about your destiny right now.

2. Next, create a to-do list so that you will know what you need to do during the day. Write down at least 5 things that you must do in order to move toward your goals each day. This is the key to stay focused and be more productive. If you do not know what you need to do, most probably you will end up spending your time on other unnecessary task such as watching television or sleeping. This is why knowing what you need to do each day is so important.

3. Finally, take action according to your to-do list. Commit yourself to take action no matter how busy you are. This is the secret to achieving your dreams and the main factor for producing the results you want in your life. If you are not doing anything, it is impossible for you to create the results you want. Always remember this, there is no free lunch in this world. You need to do something to produce the results you want. Thus, put in the commitment today and take consistent action until you achieve your dreams.


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Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Become a Forensic Accountant

By : Erick R Johnson

If you want to learn how to become a forensic accountant you will need to begin with an analysis of yourself and your skills to determine whether this job is right for you. Getting education and career information from a local college that offers accounting programs is also a good idea. A forensic accountant can be involved in anything from a simple police investigation into criminal activity to a government investigation on terrorist attacks, with a blended role involving both accounting and investigating.

If you are going to become a forensic accountant you will need skills such as confidence, curiosity, organization and the ability to look beyond what is on the surface. You will also need good communication skills so you can easily get up in front of audiences to present evidence with an air of credibility. If you think you have these skills, then you'll need to start working on your education. In order to be certified as a CPA (certified public accountant) or CFE (certified fraud examiner) you will need to get a bachelor's degree as well as a master's degree with an accounting specialization focused on the forensic side of things. This will prepare you to pass the certification exams. Membership in the American College of Forensic Examiners will also help with your career goals.

There are many places to look for forensic accounting programs, just make sure you choose an accredited institution of higher learning that offers all the tools you'll need to succeed in your career. If you're serious about this profession, you can also talk to federal and state government agencies, insurance companies, police departments and lawyers to see what kind of forensic accountants they hire and what the job entails. This will help you decide what specific path you want to take in the forensic accounting field.

Once you have your degree and have passed the certification exams, you can enter the forensic accounting field as an entry level accountant earning anywhere from $30,000 to $60,000 a year depending on your location and job description. In a few short years, though, your experience will prepare you to earn a six figure salary, especially if you work in the private sector.

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You Can Become a Financial Planner

By : Susan Bean

If you like trying to make money into more money, then you should become a financial planner. A financial planner uses all resources at his availability, such as software, hunches, and graphs which show the trend of certain product growth, to determine what is going to occur in the market.

Analysts make decisions which, in turn, make them to decide whether to buy or sell for their clients. Oftentimes, now-a-days, all of these buy/and/sell trends are built-in to the software that you're using. They're designed to monitor the trends and then respond to them, making split-second decisions.

When people are experiencing frightening times, they basically just need for you to tell them that everything will be OK in the end. The thing that makes people so frightened is, they don't know what the outcome will be. When you give them something to trust in, even if the thing you give them to trust in isn't a guarantee, it makes them feel better about the situation.

To be a financial planner, then, is to uphold theories which hold the possibility that things will turn out OK if one just holds on long enough. When one keeps holding on instead of giving up hope, things get better. They didn't have the energy to do what was necessary before; but with a renewal of belief that things will turn out alright, they oftentimes can fight those feelings of fear and come up with the strength that's needed in order to follow-through and make things turn out in a good way.

A financial planner helps order their lives during a time when everything might seem to be thrown into chaos. Panic tells people to sell everything, run away, hide, go somewhere else. It tells them that whatever they have, that's the wrong thing. Get something else (it really doesn't matter what that something else is, to fear). Fear is a liar and must not be listened to.

If you are a financial planner, then you will be responsible to reduce people's fears. The reduction of people's fears does more than anything else to make things come out steadier and truer than they were before.

People have the tendency to make dumb decisions whenever there are troubled times. Money is a thing that can slip through your hands if you become frightened. "Got to sell... got to sell!" just keeps going through your brain when you're afraid. Or, just as irrationally, " to buy!" can replace that fear with another.

A financial planner's biggest job is to calm down their clients. Once someone has stopped panicking is the time to make decisions. The thing that has caused every market crash has been fear. The measures that have been instated to keep fearful things from making the market plummet are things which stop fearful reactions from taking over.

When you become a financial planner, you'll be learning how to deal with people's fears. You'll set their ability to feel that their future is more stable. Once that has occurred, people can make better decisions rather than just relying upon a bad sense to tell them what to do with their money.

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What Would Be Your Financial Planner Job Description?

By : Susan Bean

If you want to make a career as a financial planner, you're going to need to familiarize yourself with a financial planner job description.

You will be helping to create a plan with either businesses or individuals so that they can better use their savings and income, balanced with their investments. You might either work for yourself, in a freelance condition, or you might be employed by some insurance company or other financial organization. Savings and loan establishments offer financial planning, as do banks, investment services companies, those who handle mutual funds or those who handle IRAs.

There are also tax sheltered investment plans and real estate. One decision that's currently being made is whether one should purchase gold as an investment. Back in the year 2000, gold was $278 an ounce. If you had been smart and purchased gold back in the year 2000, which I did, each ounce coin would now be worth $1200 apiece. Since I purchased 24 one-ounce coins, that means that my investment went up over four times in ten years.

I also purchased one platinum coin, which at the time was around $850. Now, platinum is over $1200 a coin. So, when you're doing financial planning, you should consider such things as gold, as well as stocks, bonds, and other methods of gaining security. At the time I had told all my friends to purchase gold; but nobody listened. That's the way with good decisions, you might see something very clearly whereas everybody else, because they've been thinking in the ways that people have thought for many decades, make poor decisions.

Thus, part of a financial planner job description should be, think on-your-feet. Don't just go by what everybody else is doing. They might all be doing it wrong. If you do it the right way, then you're the one who will be the right one even if you seemed to not know what you were doing back when you were doing it. One must always follow their gut instinct before everything else.

As a financial planner, you'll be helping people look at their long-term and near financial situations. Now, as opposed to any other period of recent past, you probably need a financial planner to help you assess what you should do. Fear creates bad decisions, and now's the time that you might make rash decisions that will affect the rest of your life. Not doing what fear is telling you to do is almost always the best choice at all times.

Financial planners are also sometimes called personal financial analysts. Some call them personal financial advisors or financial consultants. In each case, they will help you determine what to do in these times of tough economic straights. To get a handle on your fears, and see things in a more calm state of mind is always a good thing to do.

A financial planner job description would include the ability to tell people when the best time is to sell your home, whether you should take out a second mortgage on your house, what time you might start retirement, and such as those.

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Are Sales Jobs in Jeopardy Because of the Internet?

By : Adrian F Alexa

Sales jobs have their own history and might stand for one of the oldest métier in the world. Trade turned into sales and this segment has simply exploded. Yet, lately, sales jobs have been somehow affected by e-commerce, an invention of the internet, which annihilated the role of a sale person by offering a simple and an easier alternative to the traditional selling-buying process for the supplier and the customer.

We all know that internet can get us anything. This is why selling matches perfectly the Internet phenomenon. In addition to this aspect, Internet supports another important factor in sales - advertising.

An amazing advantage of e-commerce over classic sales is the fact worldwide web connects directly advertising to selling. This flow is not interrupted as in the case of classic selling methods. Therefore, we can say that internet advertising generates more rapidly and more efficiently a higher sales volume. Given this fact, many companies have started focusing more on this niche and implicitly minimized the role of their employees who performed traditionally this job. Moreover, some companies developed their business exclusively on the e-commerce method.

In contrast to a local store, a site on the Internet that promotes products has many benefits related to costs. For instance, a site can visited anytime 24/24h, 7 days a week and you do not need to hire a person to be there. However, the customer could order the item that interests him as the e-commerce is designed to process orders automatically.

All in all, many sales person state the fact that classic jobs are losing importance as the Internet allow customers to buy a wide array of services and products at their own pace.

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Career Choices - Play Safe Or Run the Risk?

By : Adrian F Alexa

Career choices -that is for sure a tricky issue for many of us, simply because career impacts quite strongly all aspects of our lives. Having a good career means that we are given great chances to improve significantly our lifestyle and consequently our overall attitude. Yet, this fact is pretty much conditioned by the decisions and choices we make regarding our career. At this point people might fall under two different categories, explicitly, risk-takers, and safe-players.

Well, when it comes to our career, it is wisely to find the middle path so as we will benefit from both approaches. It is all about keeping the equilibrium between two different approaches. The better we counterbalance risks and safety, the more we will experience career achievements. There are few tips that you might find of much help each time you are in the position of making career choices.

Do not be too radical

Going for the radical option is nonetheless too risky. The most common mistake is changing radically your sphere of interest. Switching between careers is not the same thing as switching between areas of activity. Therefore, if you assume this risk you will have to start all over again as a novice or an apprentice although you have been considered an authority in your previous career.

Focus on new career options

If you are not satisfied with your current job, do something. First of all, reconsider your options, you might simply notice that you have new and quite alluring opportunities. Moreover, if you tried anything else to improve your work and nothing good happened then you should act fast.

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Career Risks - Face Up the Fear of Failure

By : Adrian F Alexa

Building up a career is a challenge, it takes time, effort and of course a grain of luck. What happens when you do not pursue the path that you initially planned? Many have experienced episodes of failure, which might have dragged them down. It is important to manage wisely this kind of experience so as we will not let our pursuit be affected.

Therefore, if we want to cope with career failure, we should change our attitude, more precisely, we should approach from a different point of view all our endeavors. Here are some steps you may follow:

Risks is not equal to failure

Be being afraid of failure, we have an exaggerate tendency to associate risks with negative thoughts and implicitly the entire pursuit. We might call this a sort of auto-sabotage as if we voluntarily annihilate our perspectives to reach success. First of all, taking all the risks is the first step we make towards success. Try to envisage the positive side when you need to take further your career, soon you will realize that taking risks is worth considering.

Success is not a chain reaction

Mistakes, errors, wrong choices, call the as you wish, arre part of our lives. They make us stronger and quite often stand for a good lesson. Thus, each time you fail, think of how you can explore positively that particular experience. This strategy teaches you how to look for the bright side in all your attempts.

Be realistic

Self-confidence is nonetheless your key to career success, yet it is highly recommended to be fully aware of your own potential so that you will prevent a good row of deceptions related to your career.

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Can a Degree Impact Significantly on Your Career?

By : Adrian F Alexa

Education has a key-role due to the fact that teachers' guidance prepares us for life. But how far ca we go in education? Each major phase or big step turns into a certificate, a diploma, or a degree. All these stand for educational rewards upon completion of a program and are supposed to help us find a job, to advance professionally.

If baccalaureate diplomas are these days more than necessary, degrees, and we are talking about the university level, are supposed to enlarge our career horizons. Although we know people that run their own business and yet, they have not been formally prepared for management, we should not ignore the importance of getting a degree for the following reasons:

Getting prepared within specific realms increases your options

Usually, a degree prepares you for a very well defined professional activity. It is not a general approach of various domains, since you have already accomplished this stage in elementary and secondary schools. As for secondary education, it helps you focus exclusively on your skills, interests, and opportunities.

Degrees are mandatory when it comes to specific positions and activity domains

In order to hold a particular job position or to practice a specific type of work you are required to complete a corresponding educational process. Sometimes, depending on the path you want to pursue or the career level you want to attain, there is more than necessary to earn a degree. For instance, there is no registered teacher who is allowed to teach in schools without having proven he is an accredited degree holder.

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