Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tips for Creating a Strong Work Environment

By exids.com

Creating a Strong Work Environment

Developing a strong work force requires the following elements
  • Opportunity and Advancement
  • Accountability and Responsibility
  • Boundaries and Roles 
Opportunity and Advancement – Create an open opportunity environment
When an employee sees that they have an opportunity to advance, they tend to work harder. Those who do not want to advance; there are two variables to consider:
  1. They may be happy where they are, and do not wish to pursue further goals. These individuals can prove to be a huge asset, as they prove that things are working for them, and the company.
  2. They do not intend to help the company move forward to meet it’s objectives for many different reasons, including, but not limited to:
  • Personal or Company conflict(s)
  • In-Experience
  • Ulterior motives
  • Poor communication
  • Not enough incentive
What can Opportunity and Advancement do for your company?
  • Create new jobs for positions that never existed before
  • Build on themes such as teamwork and trust, while creating a competitive and productive environment
  • Promote company awareness, and define roles for individuals
How should Opportunity and Advancement be offered?
  • Inclusion – Make sure everyone knows what the ultimate goals of the company are
  • Regular goal setting meetings on an individual basis
  • Offering opportunities to individuals, rather than forcing them
What are some of the problems that could be associated with an open opportunity environment?
  • Back Stabbing – Some people may feel threatened by others trying to succeed
  • Mis-management – Some individuals will have a different perspective of their roles and position
  • Passing the buck – Individuals may believe that they must make decisions that are best for the company, and pass off work that other may not be able to perform because of their own responsibilities
How do you counteract the problems associated with an open-opportunity environment?
  • Accountability and Responsibility
  • Boundaries and Roles
Accountability and Responsibility
Accountability and responsibility requires the following factors:
  • Strong, defined leadership
  • Well laid out expectations
  • Soft and hard deadlines or goals – projects and tasks to be completed by date and/or by importance
  • A job description
  • Strong communication system
How do I define leadership?
Leadership happens, as much as it can be defined. The true test of defining leadership begins with understanding, communication and evaluation. May leaders simply do not have the opportunity to lead, as they are restricted or limited by opportunity and advancement.
Defining leadership is a tricky feat. Some managers do not want to be “overstepped”, so they try to keep the leaders down, and even sometimes “hidden”, by focusing too much time and energy on keeping them busy. This can be counter-productive, as the ones that truly need guidance and support will not be receiving it.
A true leader promotes strengths and in return builds an empire of strong capable individuals, which fill roles. 2 strengths will out power 10 weaknesses.
How do I make people understand their expectations?
  • A job description – there is no better way to layout someone’s expectations then from a job description. A job description summarizes what is expected out of an individual on a day to day basis.
Deadlines and goals – Without a final goal or deadline, no would be expected to finish anything.

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