Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to Keep Your Job During Persistent Recession Or Great Depression

By : Ritchie Felix

• See change before others: - A major difference between those who lose their jobs and those who keep theirs during chronic economic crisis is what each knows about the dynamics and mechanics of change. Major economic changes in the economic forces of demand and supply respectively. Your ability to see this decimal indies in the prices mechanisms of the National and universal economy is enough signal to keep you at the edge to sharpen your skills in order to ride on the wings of change that is coming. Those who could not see this on time usually pay dearly for it as they are swept under the wave, and are eaten by the sharks of fate. You have to develop a peculiar way to read the signal of the economy at all time so that you direct your game rightly.

• See the big picture better than others: - Economic crisis obeys the universal law of change. Naturally speaking, change is the only constant that keeps reoccurring now and then. The laws of nature are immutable and timeless; as old as creation itself, yet as consistent and dependable as arithmetic operations. They are fair and just to all; faithful to those who apply them and unforgiving to those who do not. They know neither creed nor Chime, neither color nor race, neither rich nor poor, neither master nor servant, and neither king nor common-man.

It is noteworthy to understand this subtle thing about change, especially in the dimension of global economy; it can be the beginning of new economic dissertation or even a complete paradigm shift to swap manual with automation. It is your ability to see this big picture that will enable you prepare for strategic re-positioning. Predictably, those who could not decipher the evolving new economic matrix of the day will surely be caught in the web of regrets. But then, it is too late to do anything. There is always a big picture behind any change either on Wall Street economy or on "World Streets" economy change is change and remains a constant variable of nature.

• See ahead of others:- In Nigeria, bank workers who saw the era of computer dominating the industrial operation of the day ahead of their contemporaries went in for computer training. Just less than a year, that computer technology took over typewriter in almost all works of life, especially, in banking operations; many people lost their jobs for not been able to use computer. They saw the change coming, but could not see as far as necessary to effect upgrade of their technical skill to stay relevant with reality. You need to see ahead of others so that you do not drown with them in pool of loses.

To keep your job presently, it is important you keep updating your skills and mind to the latest minute development in your field or career. You need to constantly consult a corporate re-branding expert or a career improvement expert to equip yourself and upgrade your skills in the direction of your industrial innovations. One thing about 21st century is that, knowledge will continue to dictate the tune of both personal and corporate development. Little wonder, this era is dubbed: "Knowledge economy". So get acquainted with knowledge development, its technology and management.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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