Friday, August 6, 2010

High School Grads and Career Paths

By : Ryan Coisson

For all of you who are recent high school grads heading off to college this fall, it's an exciting time in your life. Ahead of you in a future that you can personally create for yourself, and that's a feeling that you haven't really had living with your parents. For those of you who already know what field of study you are going to go into, continue to work hard and persevere for the next four years because it will pay off. For those who are still unsure, don't feel rushed because there is plenty of time ahead of you. Here are just a few ideas that you might want to consider.

Law. Law is always a good place to go into because there will always be lawyers needed, even if for the most trivial of petty crimes. It's also a very financially beneficial career path because the saying goes that the longer you are in school, the more money you will make. Lawyers go to school for a long time because they have to learn a lot of information before going into the workforce.

Medical. The medical field is a sure place to get into because it's basically recession proof. As much as it is unfortunate, people will always get sick whether the economy is good or bad. This means that you will always have a place to work and a way to provide for your family. This, too, is another degree that takes years to receive, but is well worth it in the end.

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